Replacing the batteries in your FieldGuard Station is very easy. Just take out the old Battery and replace it with
a new one. Just take care that you use a 3.6V Lithium Ion battery like the SAFT LS7500. FieldGuard Stations can be powered
by battery or from an external power source. This document describes both, how to operate your station on a battery or how
to operate it with an external power source.
Connecting your FieldGuard Station to your computer
Learn how to connect your FieldGuard Station to your computer if you want to do a firmware update of change
Stations settings. For Connecting your station you need a USB cable with a mini USB connector that connects
to the station.
Configuring your FieldGuard Station
Learn how to programm your FieldGuard Station. Normally your FieldGuard Stations comes pre-configured with connection keys, station settings
and the correct sensor configuration. But if you need to make changes i.e. to change the measuring interval or when you add a sensor to your
station you might need to change the cofiguration with help of this manual.
Updating Firmwar on your FieldGuard Station
Firmware is an essential part of the FieldGuard Stations. Firmware is the internal software running inside the Stations onboard
processor, controlling all operations. We continuously work to improve the firmware making the station more robust, consume less
energy or integrate new sensors and features for the FieldGuard Station. When updating the firmware station settings station settings
stay intact, so you don’t have to re-configure the station with sensor settings and measurement intervals etc. This manual describes
how you can update your FieldGuard Station with the latest firmware.